Accomplishments or Becoming

Amar Pandit
A respected entrepreneur with 25+ years of Experience, Amar Pandit is the Founder of several companies that are making a Happy difference in the lives of people. He is currently the Founder of Happyness Factory, a world-class online investment & goal-based financial planning platform through which he aims to help every Indian family save and invest wisely. He is very passionate about spreading financial literacy and is the author of 4 bestselling books (+ 2 more to release in 2020), 8 Sketch Books, Board Game and 700 + columns.

January 19, 2021 | 6 Minute Read
We live in a world of Accomplishments. We are judged by our Accomplishments; each one of us including children. Rahul got 99% or Riya has been admitted into Harvard. We are quick to make judgements about other people and about ourselves. In our industry, XYZ is successful because he has an AUM of Rs. 100 Crore or Rs.1000 Crore (depending on who you speak with). Thus, there is too much obsession over Accomplishments, and we are constantly running for more or to prove the world how great we are.
On the other hand, very few people pause and ask themselves “Who do I want to Become? What kind of Person and Professional do I want to become?” I have always obsessed on “Becoming” rather than “Accomplishments”. Let me tell you what I mean by this and why.

Imagine a world class athlete is obsessed about accomplishments and winning a race at all costs. He knows the only way to beat someone is to artificially boost his performance through performance enhancing substances or drugs. What do you think that person would do? If he is obsessed about accomplishments, chances are very high the person will use performance enhancing drugs. I am sure you have heard about Lance Armstrong, Champion road racing Cyclist and how he was stripped down of many of his titles and banned for life by the International Cycling Union (because of doping). On the other hand, someone who is obsessed about Becoming would definitely not make those choices.
The same rule applies for businesses. Today we see firms acquiring clients and doing business at any costs. Some are using mutual funds as Loss Leaders. Can you believe some of the online firms using Mutual Funds as loss leaders? This means to entice clients with direct plans and then trying to make money by selling other products. There are some bank relationship managers who call their customers as soon as money is deposited in their bank account with a pitch of a life insurance policy or NFO. Some of the Venture Capital Funded players are utilizing Artificial Performance Enhancing Substances (in this case – Capital) and acquiring clients at all costs. Yes, you might build a sizable AUM, but who have you become finally. The clients that are acquired fast will go fast too when they come across a real client experience.
This applies to individuals as well as well. The key question to ask is “Who have I Become or more importantly – Who do I want to Become?”
If you understand this concept and focus on becoming a world class professional, you will accomplish all the things you want. The dialogue of 3 Idiots will ring a bell “Kisi MahaPurush ne kaaha hai, Kamyaab banne ke liye mat Padho, Kaabil banne ke liye Padho (Don’t study to become successful, study to become worthy/capable)”. It is all about Becoming “Kaabil”.
What we want to become is a very personal choice but at a broad level I am sure all of you will agree that each one of us wants to become the best version of ourselves.
Thus, write down on a piece of paper or on your computer note taking application.
I want to become:
A few examples – I want to Become good in Listening; I want to Become fantastic in Telling Stories; I want to Become great at Writing; I want to Become good in my first meetings.
Make 2021 the year where you focus on Becoming the Best Version of Yourself. Make it all about Becoming and nothing or no one can stop you from Accomplishing greater things.
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