The Secret to Explosive Growth

Amar Pandit , CFA , CFP

Amar Pandit

A respected entrepreneur with 25+ years of Experience, Amar Pandit is the Founder of several companies that are making a Happy difference in the lives of people. He is currently the Founder of Happyness Factory, a world-class online investment & goal-based financial planning platform through which he aims to help every Indian family save and invest wisely. He is very passionate about spreading financial literacy and is the author of 4 bestselling books (+ 2 more to release in 2020), 8 Sketch Books, Board Game and 700 + columns.

I don’t want to collaborate,” said Ram, a financial professional in India managing Rs. 200 Crore (approximately $25 million) in assets. This sentiment, though common, is a significant hurdle to growth and scalability in the financial services business. In contrast, the largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) in the United States, managing billions of dollars, actively seek collaboration to leverage their resources and enhance their services. Even with a solid team, they understand the value of collaboration. Moreover, in the competitive financial landscape in the US, platforms typically require a minimum of $250 million in assets before even considering a callback, as they need a minimum guarantee and a firm committed to growth.

The Misconception of Independence

Our profession/industry often attracts individuals who value independence and autonomy. This independence is a double-edged sword; while it allows for personalized client service and control over operations, it can also lead to isolation and missed opportunities for growth. Ram’s hesitation to collaborate stems from a common misconception that collaboration diminishes independence and control. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Collaboration, when done strategically, enhances your capabilities and market reach without sacrificing control.

The US Model: Collaboration Among Giants

In the United States, collaboration among RIAs is a well-established practice. Even the largest RIAs, managing assets in the billions, seek collaborative opportunities. Firms such as Creative Planning, Edelman Financial Engines, and Hightower Advisors actively collaborate through mergers, acquisitions, and strategic partnerships. These firms leverage their combined strengths to enhance client service, expand their market reach, and achieve operational excellence.

For example, Hightower operates on a partnership model, allowing their financial professionals to retain a significant degree of autonomy while benefiting from centralized support and resources.

The Platform Requirement: A Threshold for Growth

In the competitive landscape in the US, platforms and service providers often set high thresholds for engagement. Typically, they require a minimum of $250 million in assets under management (AUM) to ensure that the firm can provide the necessary scale and profitability. This requirement is not just a barrier but a filter to identify firms that are serious about growth and scalability.

Thankfully in India, there is no such stringent requirement at least for now. For firms like Ram’s, reaching this threshold might seem daunting. However, collaboration can bridge this gap. By partnering with the right platform (and people), you gain access to solid people (skills, and expertise without any upfront cost), advanced tools, resources, and support.

Why Collaboration is the Need of the Hour

  1. Staying Competitive: Our industry is increasingly competitive. Your clients are someone else’s prospects. Your best clients will be approached by other firms whether you like it or not. This is the reality that we are witnessing. If your client has invested with multiple people, comparison of performance, services, and value is likely. Collaboration allows you access to resources, skills, and expertise to future proof your business and to stay competitive. You will win ideal clients and grow your firm beyond your imagination by staying competitive and partnering with the right firm.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory environment is challenging, especially for smaller firms. Collaborative efforts can provide access to compliance resources and expertise, reducing the burden on individual firms.
  3. Client Expectations: Clients are becoming more sophisticated and demanding. They expect personalized service, advanced technology, and comprehensive financial solutions. Even if your clients are not expecting this today, at some point of time, they will…I promise you they will…If they don’t, their next generation certainly will.
  4. Business Life Insurance: Collaboration can also act as a form of business life insurance. Should something happen to you, having a collaborative partnership in place ensures that your clients, team members, and family are taken care of. This safety net can provide continuity of service for your clients and stability for your team, ensuring that the business you built continues to thrive. It also gives peace of mind knowing that your family will not have to struggle to maintain the business in your absence. Collaborating with a world-class platform or firm can ensure that there are processes and systems in place to manage transitions smoothly and maintain the trust and loyalty of your clients.

Practical Steps to Embrace Collaboration

For financial professionals like Ram, embracing collaboration requires a strategic approach. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Identify Potential Partners: Look for firms or platforms that complement your strengths and address your weaknesses. Consider factors such as client base, geographic reach, and service offerings.
  2. Evaluate Collaboration Models: There are various collaboration models, including mergers, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, and networks. Evaluate which model aligns with your goals and values.
  3. Negotiate Terms: Clearly define the terms of collaboration, including roles, responsibilities, revenue sharing, and exit strategies. Ensure that the agreement protects your interests and aligns with your long-term goals.
  4. Focus on Integration: Successful collaboration requires seamless integration of systems, processes, and cultures. Ensure that the platform has invested significantly in building a world class platform/tech stack and that they have the processes and systems in place to ensure a smooth transition.
  5. Communicate with Clients: Transparency is crucial. Clearly communicate the benefits of collaboration to your clients, emphasizing how it enhances their experience and outcomes.

Real World Example: The Success of a Collaborative Firm

Consider the example of XYZ Wealth, a firm that initially managed Rs. 350 Crore ($43 million) in assets. Facing growth challenges, XYZ decided to explore collaboration. They joined hands with HF (Happyness Factory), a world class platform helping financial professionals to grow their business, to build real enterprise value and to build the firm of the future.

Through this partnership, XYZ was able to:

  • Expand Value Proposition: Clients were now able to align their use of capital with what’s important to them. This ensured that new assets were allocated to some of their most cherished goals.
  • Enhance Technology: The collaboration provided access to advanced data analytics capabilities, client onboarding tools, fantastic conversational tools, client management tech and operations tech.
  • More Time to Focus on Meeting Ideal Clients and Existing Clients: They now had more time to focus on new ideal clients and existing clients. They started enjoying their business on a different level and had complete peace of mind.
  • Achieve Growth: Within 18 months, XYZ’s AUM grew to Rs. 600 Crore ($75 million).

This example illustrates how strategic collaboration can drive growth, enhance service offerings, and improve client outcomes.

Addressing Common Concerns

Many financial professionals hesitate to collaborate due to concerns about losing control, sharing profits, or diluting their brand. While these concerns are valid, they can be mitigated through careful planning and strategic execution:

  • Control: Define clear roles and responsibilities in the collaboration agreement to ensure that you retain control over key aspects of your business.
  • Profit Sharing: Negotiate fair and transparent profit-sharing arrangements that reflect the value each partner brings to the collaboration.
  • Brand Dilution: Collaborate with firms that share your values and vision. This alignment will always enhance your brand rather than dilute it.

The Future of This Industry: Collaboration as a Catalyst for Success

Our industry is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, regulatory changes, and shifting client expectations. In this dynamic environment, collaboration is not just an option; it is a necessity.

To sum up, collaboration is the need of the hour for real financial professionals. It is a powerful strategy that can drive growth, enhance service offerings, and ensure long-term success. You should embrace collaboration, leveraging the power of partnership to achieve their goals and build a thriving, future-ready business.

Thankfully Ram understood this…

Have You?